One more year, the Igeldoko Harria, a stone weighing about 135 kilos extracted from the cliffs of Igeldo, will be raised by the harrijasotzailes in the Plaza de la Trinidad.
Participants: Iraitz Arruti (Zarautz), Paulo Azpiazu (Getaria), Jokin Eizmendi (Zarautz), Gorka Etxeberria (Orio), Aimar Galarraga (Orio), Gari Garmendia (Idiazabal), Xiker Larrea (Beasain), Mikel Lopetegi (Zarautz), Jagoba Otaegui (Aizarna), Imanol Royo (Zarautz), Iker Sojo (Vitoria-Gasteiz), Beñat Telleria (Lasarte) and Stepan Tsirkin (Donostia/San Sebastian).
We will also celebrate the third edition of the Uliako Harria, the female version of the event. An irregular and unmanipulated stone, weighing 70 kg, which receives its name from having been extracted from the cliffs of Ulia, for the sake of promoting and expanding stone lifting among our athletes as well.
Participants: Naroa Arruti (Zarautz), Olaia Esnaola (Azpeitia), Maddi Guesalaga (Zarautz), Saioa Iglesias (Nanclares de la Oca), Sara Jimenez de Aberasturi (Maeztu), Lierni Osa (Zarautz) and Ainitze Zumeta (Zarautz)
General tickets can be purchased online as from 30 July. The reduced price tickets (retired persons, unemployed persons, under 30 years of age - €4.40) only at the Victoria Eugenia Theater box office as from 30 July.
On the day of the test, if there are any tickets left, they can be purchased at the Victoria Eugenia Theater box office and in the Plaza de la Trinidad.